I'm exporting data and create charts to a new Excel file using the Excel Interop (.NET). But when I create a new workbook, only 1 sheet is created.
But my charts need to be added to separate sheets, for that I'm using the Workbook.Sheets.Add(before,after,number,type) - function.
Now I'm getting the error "Method Add of class Sheets failed".
the variables used (all marked with 'run on client'):
My code looks the following:
The error occurs on line:
because in the Add-function all 4 parameters are marked as optional, but in C/AL those parameters need to be added. Due to testing I figured out that the error is thrown because of the optional parameters, but I'm actually currently stuck in continuing my work.
I also tried to indicate to Excel that it needs to add 3 sheets when creating a new workbook using the function "SheetsInNewWorkbook", but that didn't change anything in the Excel file, only 1 sheet was created.
Is there anyone who knows how to deal with this problem?
Kind Regards,
I'm exporting data and create charts to a new Excel file using the Excel Interop (.NET). But when I create a new workbook, only 1 sheet is created.
But my charts need to be added to separate sheets, for that I'm using the Workbook.Sheets.Add(before,after,number,type) - function.
Now I'm getting the error "Method Add of class Sheets failed".
the variables used (all marked with 'run on client'):
- XlApplication: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass.'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'
- XlWorkBook: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook.'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'
- XlWorkSheet_: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet.'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'
- missing:System.Reflection.Missing.'mscorlib'
My code looks the following:
XlApplication:=XlApplication.ApplicationClass; IF ISNULL(XlApplication) THEN ERROR(Text000); XlApplication.Visible(FALSE); XlWorkBook:= XlApplication.Workbooks.Add(XLWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet); XlWorkSheet_ := XlWorkBook.ActiveSheet; XlWorkSheet_.Name:='Demo1'; XlWorkSheet:=XlWorkBook.Sheets.Add(missing,XlWorkBook.Sheets.Item(XlWorkBook.Sheets.Count),missing,missing); XlWorkSheet_.Name:='Demo2'; XlWorkBook.SaveCopyAs(FileName)
The error occurs on line:
because in the Add-function all 4 parameters are marked as optional, but in C/AL those parameters need to be added. Due to testing I figured out that the error is thrown because of the optional parameters, but I'm actually currently stuck in continuing my work.
I also tried to indicate to Excel that it needs to add 3 sheets when creating a new workbook using the function "SheetsInNewWorkbook", but that didn't change anything in the Excel file, only 1 sheet was created.
Is there anyone who knows how to deal with this problem?
Kind Regards,