We have a barcode on sales invoice report. As barcode is just a font, the font file is installed on c:\windows\fonts –folder on the machine where NAV service runs.
When the user goes manually on the posted sales invoices pages and previews or saves the sales invoice report on pdf, the barcode shows fine.
However, when we are running the same process via simple code, in a codeunit there is just a line Report.savesaspdf, the barcode in the sales invoice report won’t show ok, doesn't recognize the barcode font.
Have you any ideas what is behind these two behaviors?
System: NAV 2015. The NAV client and service are running both on the same machine and the service account have access to c:\windows\fonts –folder and to the barcode font..
We have a barcode on sales invoice report. As barcode is just a font, the font file is installed on c:\windows\fonts –folder on the machine where NAV service runs.
When the user goes manually on the posted sales invoices pages and previews or saves the sales invoice report on pdf, the barcode shows fine.
However, when we are running the same process via simple code, in a codeunit there is just a line Report.savesaspdf, the barcode in the sales invoice report won’t show ok, doesn't recognize the barcode font.
Have you any ideas what is behind these two behaviors?
System: NAV 2015. The NAV client and service are running both on the same machine and the service account have access to c:\windows\fonts –folder and to the barcode font..