I have a Problem with a query in NAV 2016.
In the Sales Header table there is a new field "Sales Promotion No.".
This field is also in the Warehouse Shipment Header.
When I create a new Warehouse Shipment Header from the Sales Header, the no. will be transferred.
Now I want a Query which Shows me all Sales Promotion Nos. from the Sales Header in a Group and how many Sales Headers and Warehouse Shipment Headers exists for this Promotion No.
This is my current query:
Unfortunately the counting of the Warehouse Shipment Header is not correct.
Both shows the total of the lines in the query.
If I have 2 Sales Headers and 2 Whse Shpt Headers with the same "Sales Promotion No.", both counts show "4".
What's wrong with my query?
Best regards
I have a Problem with a query in NAV 2016.
In the Sales Header table there is a new field "Sales Promotion No.".
This field is also in the Warehouse Shipment Header.
When I create a new Warehouse Shipment Header from the Sales Header, the no. will be transferred.
Now I want a Query which Shows me all Sales Promotion Nos. from the Sales Header in a Group and how many Sales Headers and Warehouse Shipment Headers exists for this Promotion No.
This is my current query:
OBJECT Query 55500 Distribution Orders { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=16.09.16; Time=12:35:31; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { CaptionML=[DEU=Verteilerauftr„ge; ENU=Distribution Orders]; } ELEMENTS { { 1112000000;;DataItem; ; DataItemTable=Table36; DataItemTableFilter=Document Type=CONST(Order), Sales Promotion No.=FILTER(<>'') } { 1112000002;1;Column;SalesPromotionNo_SalesHeader; DataSource=Sales Promotion No. } { 1112000001;1;Column;NoOfOrders ; MethodType=Totals; Method=Count } { 1112000004;1;DataItem; ; DataItemTable=Table7320; DataItemLink=Sales Promotion No.=Sales_Header."Sales Promotion No." } { 1112000003;2;Column;SalesPromotionNo_WhseShptHdr; DataSource=Sales Promotion No. } { 1112000005;2;Column;NoOfWhseShpts ; MethodType=Totals; Method=Count } } CODE { BEGIN { } END. } }
Unfortunately the counting of the Warehouse Shipment Header is not correct.
Both shows the total of the lines in the query.
If I have 2 Sales Headers and 2 Whse Shpt Headers with the same "Sales Promotion No.", both counts show "4".
What's wrong with my query?
Best regards