Hi All,
I have created a CU that just returns UPPERCASE of a supplied parameter, and I have exposed this CU as a web service.
The problem is that I am having problems in calling this web service, and using it in NAV. I have taken a look at CU248 "VAT Lookup Ext. Data Hndl.", and have adapted this to call my own exposed Web Service. But I seem to hit into endless errors. I have taken a look at some of the examples in this site and in the web, but when I try them, all seem to hit into errors.
When running code below, I hit into the error:
When I debugged the xml result, it is just the whole xml file similar to entering the Web service linke which is --> 'http://aws01:7047/DynamicsNAV100/WS/CRONUS International Ltd./Codeunit/WS_Exposed_CU' in the browser. But it should return a smaller xml file with the result.
My new CU adapted from CU248. By the way, I tested CU248, and it is working. But this CU calls an external web service (EU VAT validation web service), and not a NAV exposed web service. Also, I had errors coming from CU1290 with regards to 'multipart/form-data; charset=utf8', but I made some changes to CU1290 to bypass this error.
As usual, thanks for taking the time to look into this.
I have created a CU that just returns UPPERCASE of a supplied parameter, and I have exposed this CU as a web service.
The problem is that I am having problems in calling this web service, and using it in NAV. I have taken a look at CU248 "VAT Lookup Ext. Data Hndl.", and have adapted this to call my own exposed Web Service. But I seem to hit into endless errors. I have taken a look at some of the examples in this site and in the web, but when I try them, all seem to hit into errors.
When running code below, I hit into the error:
The expected data was not received from the web service
When I debugged the xml result, it is just the whole xml file similar to entering the Web service linke which is --> 'http://aws01:7047/DynamicsNAV100/WS/CRONUS International Ltd./Codeunit/WS_Exposed_CU' in the browser. But it should return a smaller xml file with the result.
My new CU adapted from CU248. By the way, I tested CU248, and it is working. But this CU calls an external web service (EU VAT validation web service), and not a NAV exposed web service. Also, I had errors coming from CU1290 with regards to 'multipart/form-data; charset=utf8', but I made some changes to CU1290 to bypass this error.
OBJECT Codeunit 99998 WS Test 4 { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=21-12-16; Time=[ 1:18:40 AM]; Modified=Yes; Version List=NAVW110.0; } PROPERTIES { OnRun=BEGIN //VATRegistrationLog := Rec; ExecWebService(TRUE); //Rec := VATRegistrationLog; END; } CODE { VAR NamespaceTxt@1003 : TextConst 'ENU=urn:microsoft-dynamics-schemas/codeunit/WS_Exposed_CU'; VATRegistrationLog@1000 : Record 249; VATRegistrationLogMgt@1002 : Codeunit 249; LOCAL PROCEDURE ExecWebService@7(ShowErrors@1000 : Boolean); VAR RequestBodyTempBlob@1002 : Record 99008535; BEGIN RequestBodyTempBlob.INIT; SendRequestToVatRegistrationService(RequestBodyTempBlob,ShowErrors); MessageXMLOutput(RequestBodyTempBlob); //COMMIT; END; LOCAL PROCEDURE SendRequestToVatRegistrationService@1(VAR BodyTempBlob@1004 : Record 99008535;ShowErrors@1003 : Boolean); VAR GeneralLedgerSetup@1005 : Record 98; SOAPWebServiceRequestMgt@1001 : Codeunit 1290; ResponseInStream@1002 : InStream; InStream@1006 : InStream; ResponseOutStream@1008 : OutStream; BEGIN PrepareSOAPRequestBody(BodyTempBlob); BodyTempBlob.Blob.CREATEINSTREAM(InStream); GeneralLedgerSetup.GET; //IF GeneralLedgerSetup."VAT Reg. No. Validation URL" = '' THEN // ERROR(MissingWebServiceURLErr); SOAPWebServiceRequestMgt.SetGlobals( InStream, 'http://aws01:7047/DynamicsNAV100/WS/CRONUS International Ltd./Codeunit/WS_Exposed_CU','',''); SOAPWebServiceRequestMgt.DisableHttpsCheck; SOAPWebServiceRequestMgt.SetTimeout(60000); IF SOAPWebServiceRequestMgt.SendRequestToWebService THEN BEGIN SOAPWebServiceRequestMgt.GetResponseContent(ResponseInStream); BodyTempBlob.Blob.CREATEOUTSTREAM(ResponseOutStream); COPYSTREAM(ResponseOutStream,ResponseInStream); END ELSE IF ShowErrors THEN SOAPWebServiceRequestMgt.ProcessFaultResponse(''); END; LOCAL PROCEDURE PrepareSOAPRequestBody@12(VAR BodyTempBlob@1000 : Record 99008535); VAR XMLDOMMgt@1006 : Codeunit 6224; BodyContentInputStream@1004 : InStream; BodyContentOutputStream@1005 : OutStream; BodyContentXmlDoc@1003 : DotNet "'System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.System.Xml.XmlDocument"; EnvelopeXmlNode@1012 : DotNet "'System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.System.Xml.XmlNode"; CreatedXmlNode@1001 : DotNet "'System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.System.Xml.XmlNode"; BEGIN BodyTempBlob.Blob.CREATEINSTREAM(BodyContentInputStream); BodyContentXmlDoc := BodyContentXmlDoc.XmlDocument; //XMLDOMMgt.AddRootElementWithPrefix(BodyContentXmlDoc,'checkVat','',NamespaceTxt,EnvelopeXmlNode); XMLDOMMgt.AddRootElementWithPrefix(BodyContentXmlDoc,'ReturnCaps','',NamespaceTxt,EnvelopeXmlNode); XMLDOMMgt.AddElement(EnvelopeXmlNode,'inStr','this should be in caps',NamespaceTxt,CreatedXmlNode); //XMLDOMMgt.AddElement(EnvelopeXmlNode,'vatNumber',VATRegistrationLog.GetVATRegNo,NamespaceTxt,CreatedXmlNode); CLEAR(BodyTempBlob.Blob); BodyTempBlob.Blob.CREATEOUTSTREAM(BodyContentOutputStream); BodyContentXmlDoc.Save(BodyContentOutputStream); //>> to debug output xml MESSAGE(FORMAT(BodyContentXmlDoc.InnerXml)); //<< to debug output xml END; LOCAL PROCEDURE MessageXMLOutput@4(ResponseBodyTempBlob@1000 : Record 99008535); VAR XMLDOMManagement@1001 : Codeunit 6224; XMLDocOut@1012 : DotNet "'System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.System.Xml.XmlDocument"; InStream@1009 : InStream; BEGIN ResponseBodyTempBlob.Blob.CREATEINSTREAM(InStream); XMLDOMManagement.LoadXMLDocumentFromInStream(InStream,XMLDocOut); MESSAGE(FORMAT(XMLDocOut.InnerXml)); //VATRegistrationLogMgt.LogVerification(VATRegistrationLog,XMLDocOut,NamespaceTxt); END; BEGIN END. } }
As usual, thanks for taking the time to look into this.