Since upgrading from classic 2009 to 2013 I have a problem with a function used to download data directly from a URL.
The codeunit I have created works with httpRequest using the automation 'Microsoft XML, v6.0'.XMLHTTP60.
The code looks like this:
Actually it is ‘borrowed’ from another post here on Mibuso, and has worked very nicely – until upgrading to 2013
The error I get is the message that NAV cannot convert Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Runtime.Automation to Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Runtime.NavInstream
I have also tried changing the code utilizing WinHttpRequest instead, but the result is the same.
Any ideas?
Since upgrading from classic 2009 to 2013 I have a problem with a function used to download data directly from a URL.
The codeunit I have created works with httpRequest using the automation 'Microsoft XML, v6.0'.XMLHTTP60.
The code looks like this:
Timeout := 7000; CREATE(httpRequest,FALSE,TRUE); httpRequest.open('GET',Link,FALSE); TimeBegin := TIME; httpRequest.send(); REPEAT Elapsed := TIME - TimeBegin; IF Elapsed >= Timeout THEN BEGIN CLEAR(httpRequest); EXIT(FALSE) END; UNTIL httpRequest.readyState() = 4; IF NOT (httpRequest.status = 200) THEN BEGIN CLEAR(httpRequest); EXIT(FALSE); END; IStream := httpRequest.responseStream(); <- Error here!!!!! CLEAR(httpRequest); CLEAR(Response); Response.READ(IStream);
Actually it is ‘borrowed’ from another post here on Mibuso, and has worked very nicely – until upgrading to 2013
The error I get is the message that NAV cannot convert Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Runtime.Automation to Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Runtime.NavInstream
I have also tried changing the code utilizing WinHttpRequest instead, but the result is the same.
Any ideas?