I have this code / Function :
Then Response outstream seems to be empty in the code where i'm calling the function from.
I have tried this in the end of the function - And the it outputs the value/xmltext :
ResponseXmlDoc := ResponseXmlDoc.XmlDocument();
BUT, when I use the sam code in where i'm calling the function from, it says that there is no root element.. I think its empty
Can someone help - thanks.
I have this code / Function :
LOCAL SendXMLCall(WebServiceURL : Text;Request : InStream;VAR Response : OutStream;VAR ErrorMsg : Text) StatusOK : Boolean //Prepare the request. Load it as a text into an XML document. vBigText.READ(Request); vBigText.GETSUBTEXT(TempString,1); XMLDoc := XMLDoc.XmlDocument(); XMLDoc.LoadXml(TempString); //Start the web service call XMLHttpRequest := XMLHttpRequest.Create(WebServiceURL); XMLHttpRequest.Method('POST'); XMLHttpRequest.ContentType('text/xml;charset=utf-8'); XMLHttpRequest.KeepAlive(TRUE); //Send the XMLDoc to the HttpRequest streamWritter := streamWritter.StreamWriter(XMLHttpRequest.GetRequestStream, Encoding.UTF8); XMLDoc.Save(streamWritter); streamWritter.Close(); //Get the http response and save it in the response variable XMLHttpResponse := XMLHttpRequest.GetResponse; XMLDoc.Load(XMLHttpResponse.GetResponseStream); XMLHttpResponse.Close; XMLDoc.Save(Response);
Then Response outstream seems to be empty in the code where i'm calling the function from.
I have tried this in the end of the function - And the it outputs the value/xmltext :
ResponseXmlDoc := ResponseXmlDoc.XmlDocument();
BUT, when I use the sam code in where i'm calling the function from, it says that there is no root element.. I think its empty
Can someone help - thanks.