Hi guys
I am working in NAV-2013 R2 and using sample code to Change DefaultPrinter in C/AL using .net objects from http://www.punky.be/2017/01/31/change-default-printer-from-cal/
I have made some changes. the data types are
Here is the code sample
ManagementObjectSearcher := ManagementObjectSearcher.ManagementObjectSearcher('select * from win32_printer');
ManagementObjectCollection := ManagementObjectSearcher.Get();
ObjectArray := ObjectArray.CreateInstance(GETDOTNETTYPE(Object),1);
Count := ManagementObjectCollection.Count;
varArray := varArray.CreateInstance(ManagementObjectCollection.GetType(), Count);
where varArray is DotNet array of type => System.Array.’mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089′
ManagementObjectCollection.CopyTo(varArray, 0);
//*** On calling this COPYTO function I get error
I get an error message that call is ambiguous between following methods i.e.
=> CopyTo(ManagementBaseObject[], int)
=>CopyTo(System.Array, int)
FOR i := 0 TO (Count - 1) DO
ManagementObject := varArray.GetValue(i);
i := i + 1;
IF FORMAT(ManagementObject.GetPropertyValue('Name')) = PrinterName THEN BEGIN
ManagementObject.InvokeMethod('SetDefaultPrinter', ObjectArray);
Can you tell me how to reterive the data from ManagementObjectCollection and fix this error ?