I'm having a problem with the format of decimals on my report. The format of the decimal I want to print is "12.456,78", always with 2 decimals and a separator for thousands and decimals.
On a page this is displayed correctly, but on a report this is displayed as "12 456,78" (space as thousand separator).
This is the expression of the field on the report: =format(cdec(Code.GetData(8,10)), "#,##0.00")
The language of the report is set to =User!Language
I have checked the regional settings of the client, this is OK. Printing in NAV2009 is with this expression gives the required result.
The version of NAV is 9.0.45834.0 (which is CU16 I think), I design the report in VS Community 2015.
Does anyone have an idea how I can get this correct.
Kind regards,
I'm having a problem with the format of decimals on my report. The format of the decimal I want to print is "12.456,78", always with 2 decimals and a separator for thousands and decimals.
On a page this is displayed correctly, but on a report this is displayed as "12 456,78" (space as thousand separator).
This is the expression of the field on the report: =format(cdec(Code.GetData(8,10)), "#,##0.00")
The language of the report is set to =User!Language
I have checked the regional settings of the client, this is OK. Printing in NAV2009 is with this expression gives the required result.
The version of NAV is 9.0.45834.0 (which is CU16 I think), I design the report in VS Community 2015.
Does anyone have an idea how I can get this correct.
Kind regards,