Hello everybody,
any idea why new page Action is not visible? I have created extension (.navx), install and publish it. All other changes work OK, but new Action is not visible. Why?
Content of DELTA.TXT file:
any idea why new page Action is not visible? I have created extension (.navx), install and publish it. All other changes work OK, but new Action is not visible. Why?
Content of DELTA.TXT file:
OBJECT Codeunit 50900 Event Subscribers to Extension { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=25.05.17; Time=10:57:14; Modified=Yes; Version List=Test Extensions-3; } PROPERTIES { OnRun=BEGIN END; } CODE { [EventSubscriber(Page,5201,OnAfterActionEvent,MyTest)] PROCEDURE OnActionTest@1(VAR Rec@1000 : Record 5200); BEGIN MESSAGE('Subsriber is running ...'); SLEEP(10); PAGE.RUNMODAL(5200); END; BEGIN END. } } OBJECT Modification "Employee List"(Page 5201) { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=25.05.17; Time=11:22:37; Modified=Yes; Version List=NAVW110.0,Test Extensions-3; } PROPERTIES { Target="Employee List"(Page 5201); } CHANGES { { Insertion ;InsertAfter=Action 33; ChangedElements=ActionCollection { { 3 ;2 ;Action ; Name=MyTest; CaptionML=ENU=MyTest; RunObject=Page 5200; Promoted=Yes; PromotedIsBig=Yes; PromotedCategory=New } } } { PropertyModification; Property=Version List; OriginalValue=NAVW110.0; ModifiedValue=NAVW110.0,Test Extensions-3 } } CODE { BEGIN END. } }