Hi, I have a recurrent issue while planning with Safety Stock in an item.
The story is an item which is replenished by Production Order, Reorder Policy Lot by Lot. It has a Safety Stock of 10, and Inventory right now is 0.
If I plan this item, I will get an emergency Production order for 10 which is right.
Lets say I execute this action message and I get a Planning Prod. Order for this item.
Now, our man in charge of the factory determines he cannot produce this item until next week, so he changes its Due Date and replans it. The order is now expected to be finished next week (lets suppose its running time is just 1 hour in order to simplify this example).
Now, when I run the planning sheet again, I get a new order to fulfill my Safety Stock, since the initial one has been re-planned for next week.
My question is: Is there any parameter I can use in this item to check if in a future period [this is the date formula parameter i am looking for] is going to be produced so I do not get a new production order?
I have checked dampened period parameter, but it seems not to work (I guess it works only backwards)
Thank you
The story is an item which is replenished by Production Order, Reorder Policy Lot by Lot. It has a Safety Stock of 10, and Inventory right now is 0.
If I plan this item, I will get an emergency Production order for 10 which is right.
Lets say I execute this action message and I get a Planning Prod. Order for this item.
Now, our man in charge of the factory determines he cannot produce this item until next week, so he changes its Due Date and replans it. The order is now expected to be finished next week (lets suppose its running time is just 1 hour in order to simplify this example).
Now, when I run the planning sheet again, I get a new order to fulfill my Safety Stock, since the initial one has been re-planned for next week.
My question is: Is there any parameter I can use in this item to check if in a future period [this is the date formula parameter i am looking for] is going to be produced so I do not get a new production order?
I have checked dampened period parameter, but it seems not to work (I guess it works only backwards)
Thank you