I created a table with all possible combinations, based on historic sales, of origin and destination of Post Codes and it's distance in Kms . My point here is to fill up a field in Sales Shipment Line with distance based on the other table.
For example a Shipment of Customer X From A to B in a total of Z Kms.
I created a ProcessingOnly Report to insert in Sales Shipment Line the kms.
My table has this fields :
Code, Customer, PostCode Origin, Post Code Destination, Distance
Where Customer, PostCode Origin, Post Code Destination is a key.
Here is what i tried to do:
But i Can't get the code from my table with sales shipment header.
What am i doing wrong?
I created a table with all possible combinations, based on historic sales, of origin and destination of Post Codes and it's distance in Kms . My point here is to fill up a field in Sales Shipment Line with distance based on the other table.
For example a Shipment of Customer X From A to B in a total of Z Kms.
I created a ProcessingOnly Report to insert in Sales Shipment Line the kms.
My table has this fields :
Code, Customer, PostCode Origin, Post Code Destination, Distance
Where Customer, PostCode Origin, Post Code Destination is a key.
Here is what i tried to do:
Sales Shipment Header - OnAfterGetRecord()
Location.SETRANGE(Code,"Sales Shipment Header"."Location Code");
IF Location.FIND('-') THEN
loc:=Location."Post Code";
DistanciaEntrega.SETRANGE(DistanciaEntrega."No.", "Sales Shipment Header"."Sell-to Customer No.");
DistanciaEntrega.SETRANGE("Cod. Origem",loc);
DistanciaEntrega.SETRANGE("Cod. Entrega","Sales Shipment Header"."Ship-to Post Code");
IF DistanciaEntrega.FIND('-') THEN
SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","Sales Shipment Header"."No.");
SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Sell-to Customer No.","Sales Shipment Header"."Sell-to Customer No.");
SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Item Container",FALSE);
UNTIL SalesShipmentLine.NEXT=0;
But i Can't get the code from my table with sales shipment header.
What am i doing wrong?