This is a nice feature because we can bring inside Navision the invoice e-mailing which we did formerly with an external tool. The issue is that the cover letter, the body of the email is for us just a long narrative text, nicely formatted, no database fields, just stuff like dear customer thank you for buying blah blah blah warranty blah blah we love you blah blah end. But I need it in two languages, so I cannot just type it as a fixed text in the Word template.
Creating a separate ML TextConstant for every section looks weird, and how do I even add the formatting? If I have a link in the middle of a long section, I create the text up to it as one text constant, the link as a second and the rest as a third one?
I would much rather write it directly in Word, but in that case I need to link a separate layout per language somehow.
Hmmm... one possibility would be customizing the Table77 GetEmailBody function that if the layout name ends with an _ like INVMAIL_ then it automatically goes looking for INVMAIL_ENU INVMAIL_DEU layouts depending on the report language...
Creating a separate ML TextConstant for every section looks weird, and how do I even add the formatting? If I have a link in the middle of a long section, I create the text up to it as one text constant, the link as a second and the rest as a third one?
I would much rather write it directly in Word, but in that case I need to link a separate layout per language somehow.
Hmmm... one possibility would be customizing the Table77 GetEmailBody function that if the layout name ends with an _ like INVMAIL_ then it automatically goes looking for INVMAIL_ENU INVMAIL_DEU layouts depending on the report language...