I am trying to merge two cells in excel by excel buffer in NAV 2016. I used this link "https://forum.mibuso.com/discussion/66511/how-to-merge-excel-cells-in-nav-2016-with-dotnet-variables" but i m having a issue.
I can't find this function in NAV 2016 "XlSheet.Range('A1:A2').Cells.Merge;"
I used this link "https://saurav-nav.blogspot.in/2012/05/navision-export-to-excel-with-merge.html" too but here also i am having the same issue- " XlWrkSht.Range(FromRec.xlColID + FromRec.xlRowID + ':' + ToRec.xlColID + ToRec.xlRowID).Merge;"
I think this issue is for NAV 16.
So please i need help to merge Excel cells in NAV 16.
I can't find this function in NAV 2016 "XlSheet.Range('A1:A2').Cells.Merge;"
I used this link "https://saurav-nav.blogspot.in/2012/05/navision-export-to-excel-with-merge.html" too but here also i am having the same issue- " XlWrkSht.Range(FromRec.xlColID + FromRec.xlRowID + ':' + ToRec.xlColID + ToRec.xlRowID).Merge;"
I think this issue is for NAV 16.
So please i need help to merge Excel cells in NAV 16.