Hi All, in NAV 2015, is it possible to do multi-level approval as below (by either application setup or technical modification):
User create PO or SO -> Level 1 Approvers, then -> Level 2 Approvers, then -> Level 3 Approvers -> release of PO or SO
Each level allow more than 1 approvers , but anyone approver's approve of this level can make the PO / SO to next level or next step.
Anyone approver's reject of any level can make the PO / SO rejected.
This level approver(s) only see the SO / PO after previous level of approver(s) (if any) have approved the doc.
Finally all SO / PO must be approved by three level of approvers before release.
Any idea? Both application setup and/or technical mod. solutions are welcome, many thank in advance
(Just a remind: NAV 2015 without workflow as NAV 2016 or later, so suggestion of using workflow may not work)
Frankie Cheung
User create PO or SO -> Level 1 Approvers, then -> Level 2 Approvers, then -> Level 3 Approvers -> release of PO or SO
Each level allow more than 1 approvers , but anyone approver's approve of this level can make the PO / SO to next level or next step.
Anyone approver's reject of any level can make the PO / SO rejected.
This level approver(s) only see the SO / PO after previous level of approver(s) (if any) have approved the doc.
Finally all SO / PO must be approved by three level of approvers before release.
Any idea? Both application setup and/or technical mod. solutions are welcome, many thank in advance
(Just a remind: NAV 2015 without workflow as NAV 2016 or later, so suggestion of using workflow may not work)
Frankie Cheung