Hello, I investigating Excel Templates..... I wonder, how "Import Template" works?
Table 14919 :
I want to Import my own Template, but how NAV find out my Sections Height?
How can I mark my sections in my excel template file? So NAV could properly import it.
Any link on MSDN?
Table 14919 :
LOCAL LoadSheetSectionHeights(ServerFileName : Text;SheetName : Text) List := ReportBuilder.GetReportSectionHeights(ServerFileName,SheetName); FOR I := 0 TO List.Count - 1 DO BEGIN SectionInfo := List.Item(I); ExcelTemplateSection.INIT; ExcelTemplateSection."Template Code" := Code; ExcelTemplateSection."Sheet Name" := SheetName; ExcelTemplateSection.Name := SectionInfo.Name; ExcelTemplateSection.Height := SectionInfo.Height; ExcelTemplateSection.INSERT; END;
I want to Import my own Template, but how NAV find out my Sections Height?
How can I mark my sections in my excel template file? So NAV could properly import it.
Any link on MSDN?