Hi all,
I think there's a bug in Table 5901. When you change the Dimensions on the Service Order Line then it updates the Service Item Worksheet Line Dimensions automatically. This is done by Function UpdateAllLineDim of the same Table. Unfortunately, it uses two times the Global Dimension 1 Code which leads to the fact that the Global Dimension 1 on the Worksheet Line contains afterwards the value of Global Dimension 2.
Does anybody know if this was already identified? I didn't find it in the most recent CU Release Notes.
I think there's a bug in Table 5901. When you change the Dimensions on the Service Order Line then it updates the Service Item Worksheet Line Dimensions automatically. This is done by Function UpdateAllLineDim of the same Table. Unfortunately, it uses two times the Global Dimension 1 Code which leads to the fact that the Global Dimension 1 on the Worksheet Line contains afterwards the value of Global Dimension 2.
Does anybody know if this was already identified? I didn't find it in the most recent CU Release Notes.
ServLine.RESET; ServLine.SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type"); ServLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","Document No."); ServLine.LOCKTABLE; IF ServLine.FIND('-') THEN REPEAT NewDimSetID := DimMgt.GetDeltaDimSetID(ServLine."Dimension Set ID",NewParentDimSetID,OldParentDimSetID); IF ServLine."Dimension Set ID" <> NewDimSetID THEN BEGIN ServLine."Dimension Set ID" := NewDimSetID; DimMgt.UpdateGlobalDimFromDimSetID( //ServLine."Dimension Set ID",ServLine."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code",ServLine."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code"); ServLine."Dimension Set ID",ServLine."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code",ServLine."Shortcut Dimension 2 Code"); ServLine.MODIFY; END; UNTIL ServLine.NEXT = 0;