NAV dotnet and XDocument.Descendants
Hi does anyone have a solution for the XDocument.Decendants function in NAV ? in C# var identity = xmlDoc.Descendants(XName.Get("Identity",...
View ArticleNAV 2017 Phone client on Android type / edit problem
Hello guys, Here all the details about issue I found few days ago: NAV Version: NAV 2017 Where: Android universal (phone) app, Chrome browser (Samsung Internet application is OK) using...
View ArticleError when renaming G/L account
Hello Everyone ! I was trying to rename a G/L account when I got this Error message: The G/L account that I'm trying to rename is having lots of transactions. Is that a possible reason for the error...
View ArticleUpgrade NAV2018 Webclient
Hi, Now that CU1 for NAV2018 has been released, I would like to upgrade all software. Server and RoleTailored client go without a problem, but I run into issues with the webclient. What I used to do is...
View ArticleError Malformed URI is embedded as a hyperlink in the document when selecting...
Hi, I have a report where you can choose an Excel file to import. The Excel file contains several sheets. So the user has the possibility to select one of the sheets. I use the function...
View ArticleVSCode: Could not publish the package to the server
Hi all, I've just started my first steps with development in vscode, but currently facing a problem with the deployment I can't get around. I have a NAV 2018 instance available on a local server I've...
View ArticleWild card SSL Certificate
Hello, Anyone can guide me how to use Wild card certificate for NAV USER PASSWORD setting ,webclient and Odata? Thank you.
View ArticleReport 2013 not shows all the data
This happends me sometimes, normally increasing the space for the variable in the layout its enought, but today not. When I try to print a report with the Preview option I dont have any problem, but...
View ArticleHow can i use java to integrate with Microsoft dynamics nav to return json...
I want to achieve creating a custom mobile application for nav hr
View ArticleUsing "FindNodes" function from CU 6224
hi everyone, I'm having a small isuue using the "FindNodes" function. I get an XML like this: I have to get all the "depotCode" nodes in one list. I was firstly using...
View ArticleNAV2015 Debugger
When starting the debugger (page9504) I get this error message "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Method 'Page9504.CodeViewera58a58AddInReady(No. of arguments: 0) with corresponding argument types.' not found. If...
View ArticleNAV2017 T36 Sell-To Customer Name unexpected behavior
Sell-to Customer Name - OnValidate() VALIDATE("Sell-to Customer No.",Customer.GetCustNo("Sell-to Customer Name")); Right, so now you can never change the customer name on an order on an invoice in case...
View ArticleSplit-NAVApplicationObjectFile & ObsoleteState
Hi I've run the Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile on a text file containing all of the files from NAV2018CU1 (GB) and I get the following error: WARNING: C:\NAV Releases\NAV2018\NAV2018CU1\NAV2018CU1 All...
View ArticleGenerate Azure Service Bus SAS Token
I'm trying to generate a SAS Token from Dynamics NAV 2018 using DotNet. I have a working code in PowerShell what I've been using for testing: $epoch = Get-Date -Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00Z"...
View ArticleAndroid Mobile Application: HOTFIX ENCLOSED
I've been working with Microsoft Support team (big shoutout to Mohamad Vajid and Duilio Tacconi who got me the fix to try same day) on this one. Since the update for the Android App came out on...
View ArticleNAV on Android Phone
Hello, I'm testing the phone app on Android (7.1.1 and 7.1.2) in combination with NAV 2017 CU11. I have a strange problem: when editing a page, like the customer page, all the entered information...
View ArticleDynamics Nav and Data Director Processor Thread Use
Hi, Can anyone know how many Thread user for Dynamics Nav and Data Director Regards
View ArticleError occurred while post consumption journal of BOM components
Hello guys, Here's a serious issue for one of our customer that they've faced the error message when they tried to post consumption of components. After checked by our side, the error came from data...
View ArticleSending Email (Html Code) - using SMTP
Hello, We created a New report and wrote the attached Code to send Email certain data to one user. Attached is the SMTP setting on our NAV server. However, we executed the report, we got the error...
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