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How to change client file name to server file name

I want to create a text file on a location that the user can choose.
using file management.savefiledialog the user can select location.

when the location is on a server drive the location is mentioned as

the textfile is created as temporary server file.
when finished i want tod copy the temp file to the clientfilename.

the server cant find the path to 'K:'

when the filename is changed to \\server1\data\file.txt the server can find it and it works.

is there a function to change 'K:\Data\file.text' to '\\server1\data;file.txt'?

hopefully this description is clear enough.


Resource Page - Unit Cost Rounding Precision - Inidrect Cost % Decimal Places

We would like to have the Unit Cost rounding precision to be five decimal places. Is there a way to change this statement VALIDATE("Unit Cost",ROUND("Direct Unit Cost" * (1 + "Indirect Cost %" / 100))); so that it is a unique precision? In GL Setup - Unit-Amount Rounding Precision is .00001. but when I enter an Indirect Cost % value, it rounds the Unit Cost to two decimal places.

Additionally, can Indirect Cost % be changed to allow three decimal places?

NAV 2015

Connecting NAV 2016 to an external SQL Database

I'm trying to connect NAV 2016 to an external SQL Server database. I have it working on my laptop, but cannot get it working on the client system. As per this video, I've set up a codeunit to handle the connection. Here's what the codeunit has in it....


ConnectToSQL() : Boolean

LOCAL DoConnectToSQL()

'Data Source=lan-nav-sql\LAN-NAV-SQL;Initial Catalog=EclipseNAVTransfer;User ID=customerdomain\navisionservice;Password=p@ssword1');


The only difference between the code on my local copy and the code in the client database is "Data Source" path has different server names in it and the "User ID" and "Password" are different.

When I launch the page to display the data, here is the message I get: 3uqk0gbihk82.png

Does anyone that's done this before have anything I should be looking at? As far as I can tell, I have the SQL security set up correctly. The main thing on the client site is that I'm going from the server that's hosting the NAV service over to the SQL Server whereas on my laptop, that's obviously the same box. Also, the database that I'm trying to connect to is on a different SQL Server than the SQL Server that hosting the actual NAV data. Also, the external SQL Server that I'm trying to connect to is SQL-2014 and the NAV SQL Server is SQL-2012.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sending an XML file with HTTP

Hi everyone,

As I wrote in the tittle, I hae to send an XML file via HTTP. But the issue is that, the XML must be converted intro a string, because I have to ad at the start of the file the "xml_in=" text. I am trying to do it in this way:
XMLHTTP.send('"xml_in=' + XMLDocDotNet.OuterXml + '"');

But it looks that is isn't wortking, because I receive in the response an error message. How can I convert the XML file into a string, to concate with "xml_in=", and send it to a server?

Thank you for your help

Factbox collapsed by default?

Hi all,

Have a factbox that's visible in the RTC. What I want is for it to be collapsed by default so the user had to lick to expand and see the content. This is purely because it's an image that needn't be visible unless desired.

Nav 2017. Problem executing tasks from the queue navision.

Hello colleagues!

I have navision 2017, cumulative update 11, build 18609,
virtual machine in Azure: D2, 7Mb RAM
Windows Server Datacenter 2016.
Ms sql server 2016 standard, ms office 2010

Service DynamicsNAV100. A default installation. Not in the domain, no AD.
The service starts under NETWORK SERVICE.
Navision Application Service (NAS) named NavBatch. Starts under NETWORK SERVICE.

The problem is that when the NavBatch executes the job from the navision queue error occurs:

Server instance: NavBatch
Category: TaskScheduling
ClientSessionId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ClientActivityId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ServerSessionUniqueId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ServerActivityId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
EventTime: 11/10/2017 22:59:38
Message <ii>(PrincipalServerDownException): <ii>The server could not be contacted.
at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext.ReadServerConfig(String serverName, ServerProperties& properties)
at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext.DoServerVerifyAndPropRetrieval()
at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext..ctor(ContextType contextType, String name, String container, ContextOptions options, String userName, String password)
at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext..ctor(ContextType contextType)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavUser.JoinUserGroupsWith(IdentityReferenceCollection listOfGroups, ContextType typeOfGroups)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavUserAuthentication.AuthenticateTaskSchedulerCredential()
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavUserAuthentication.Authenticate()
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavUserAuthentication..ctor(NavTenant tenant, NavClientCredentialType authenticationType, UserType userType, Object token, String userName, String authenticationKey, String authorizationCode, IAzureADGraphQuery azureADGraphQuery, Func`1 getWindowsIdentity)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavTenant.Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.ITenantSessionHandler.CreateTaskSchedulerSession(Guid userGuid, String userName, TimeZoneInfo timeZone)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavTaskScheduler.TaskRunInfo.InternalRun()
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavTaskScheduler.TaskRunInfo.InternalRun()
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavTaskFactory.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<RunTask>b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()

ProcessId: 4284
Tag: 00000B4
ThreadId: 11

The job fails, its status is Ready and not scheduled.
Services DynamicsNAV100 and the NasBatch was running and under the user .nas. The result is the same.
.nas - local admin, sysadmin sql server, navision user with SUPER rights.

Can anyone suggest a reason? Dealing with the issue for 2 weeks (

Job Queue Log Entries Time Zone

When I look at the Job Queue Log Entries, is the time the Job ran shown in my time zone? The actual company is in the UK - I see an Adjust Cost ran, according to the entry it ran at 11:01 a.m. I want to confirm 11:01 a.m., is Pacific Time Zone

How to Insert a NEW Sales Order Using Code

Hi, I am trying to import TAB separated file consist of 4 columns. Each row is a New Sales Order. at the
Integer - Import::OnBeforeInsertRecord() i Wrote the following Code,
SalesHeader."Document Type" := SalesHeader."Document Type"::Order;
but for second record i got Error, that Sales Header already Exists.

Not sure what is wrong in this.

NAV 2009 R2 : RTC connects fine on NST, gets error on workstation


We've got a working configuration of NAV 2009 R2 passed on from previous team with NST and DB-Tier run on the same server. We are trying to move NST to separate one. After creating all SPN mentioned in MS FAQ and setting up delegating permissions we have quite weird result. RTC runs fine on NST server. When run on any other machine (incl. DB-Tier) it shows the following error:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The login failed when connecting to SQL Server DBTIER.FQDN.NAME\SQL_INSTANCE_NAME.

At the same time SQL server logs:
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance!

how to improve item ledger entry performance for NAV2015

I have upgraded from Nav 4.0 SP3 to NAV2015 and noticed that the item ledger entry is very slow when displaying the movements. Any idea how this can be improved. I have only 1 year of data for the item but it is very slower when compared to my old database containing 11 years of data.

Would appreciate very much if someone could advise?

Error acces Lock TABLE in nav 2013

I have 2 reports who uses the same table. (pT_Filter --- TemporalFilter)

The table is in the 50000 range.

There are only a few lines referred to this table.

REPORT 50001


pT_Filter."Date From CG21" := v_periodFrom;
pT_Filter."Date To CG21" := v_periodTo;


pT_Filter."Date From CG21" := '';
pT_Filter."Date To CG21" := '';

REPORT 50002

  pT_Filter."Date from CG19" := text_from;
  pT_Filter."Date to CG19" := text_to;

Sometimes, when I try to execute from differents users. (Or either from same user both reports at the same time). Nav throw me an error from this table is Locked

Maybe there is a problem in report 50001, but I cant explain myself why is this happening.

Reading smartcard/e-ID in webclient

Our customer will use webclient/tablet client for people on the road.
These people have to be able to read an e-id in navision and store the data (name, adress, etc.)
For the RTC client we have a dotnet library (swelio) we can use.
However, that requires that the dotnet variable be "run on client".

As you will probably know, this is a feature limitation in the webclient, you cannot 'run on client" a dotnet in the webclient...

Does anyone have an idea how i can still make it possible in the webclient to read an e-ID/smartcard??
It is really important i can do this.

Safety stock is getting on my nerve...grrr....

Hi Guys,

I now have two customers with the same issue with safety stock getting in the way...

Whenever they buy the item, they want to buy Q=250. Today they have an inventory of Q=10. They get a sales order for Q=45 and since they don't have enough stock to cover that, they want the Planning Worksheet to suggest 1 lines with Q=250. This would cover the sales order, and then they have some quantities left that they can keep in stock. (Is this really an unreasonable requirement....!?!)

HOWEVER: When running the planning work sheet, this will create TWO lines: One Exception line of Q=35 and then another line with Q=250.

Is there any way to achieve what we want?


US TAX module - shoud we use it?

Hi Guys,

Does any of you have an opinion on whether it pays off to setup and use the US TAX module in NAV, rather then finding another way of calculating/reporting TAX? Say you have to report TAX in 10 states for example...?

Interested to hear your opinions.



When adding code to the OnValidate trigger on a page, why is the trigger getting executed twice?

Hello! I am running into an issue that I hope someone can help me with. I am using NAV 2016. In my List page, I have added some code to validate that two fields match. If they do not match, the code gives the user a message letting them know that the two fields must match.

It is working fine accept that the message box pops up twice. The first time it opens, I select OK, and then it opens up a second time.

Here is the code:

Batch - OnValidate()
IF "Order Lines" <> "Lines Shipped" THEN BEGIN
MESSAGE('The number of Order Lines must Match the number of Lines Shipped');
"Ready for Batch" := FALSE;

Is there a way to make the code only run once?

Thanks in advance!

Additional NAV Instances in azure sql

Hi All,
When i am trying to import Key using below comments i am getting following error message .Please help me

Export-NAVEncryptionKey -ServerInstance LSVDB2017 -KeyPath 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\100\Server\Keys\LSVDB2017.key' -Password (Get-Credential).Password | Import-NAVEncryptionKey -ServerInstance NewInstance2017j2ve8sjtrcmv.png

The Aim is need to create multiple instance and need to connect with out any issue
Already having one instances with out having any issue .The issue comes when i am trying to create new instances


NAV 2015 - Editing Super user permissions


We created new role SUPER2 by copying it from default profile SUPER. We try to edit SUPER2 -user permission because customer wants to use that role but that user profile cannot have access to edit vendors and vendor Bank Accounts. We added all Table Data objects for that profile and also all permission rights for those objects. But still it says:

"You have not been granted rights to add, modify, delete this permission set for this user this company. To obtain rights, you must be granted either the SUPER or SECURITY permission set."

After that we added to this user both permission groups SUPER2 and SECURITY, but that did not fixed our problem. Is it possible so that SUPER user profile is hard coded inside NAV and this cannot be even done this way?

Thx for all advices.

NAV 2013 performance issues


We have been experiencing a speed issue with our NAV 2013 (not R2) system, when opening a customer card or item card there is generally a delay of between 2-10 seconds before the page displays the information, so the page open right away but blank then NAV thinks about displaying the information 2-10 seconds before display the data.

Our dynamics NAV support company have looking at the issue for over a years now and have thrown in the towel and said we can see there is an issue but we don’t know what causing it and we have run out of idea’s.

When the issue first appear or at least when it got to the stage where we said “this is a problem now”, we were on a two tier setup so on the service tier (single service tier for up to 75 concurrent users) was on the same server as the SQL database, once we raise the issue the support company moved the service tier onto another server and setup two service tiers, but the issue remained.

The have also setup a maintenance job on the sql server to re-index the database every Saturday night, again no improvement.

They have double checked any modifications we’ve had to NAV and confirmed that the coding is good.

Their hardware team has look over both servers to make sure there are no hardware faults and everything is fine.

They have noticed if they look at the sql activity monitor data that resource waits the network I/O times are high (their words not mine)
Wait Time (ms/sec) 6138
Recent wait time (ms/sec) 5851
Average waiter count 7.0
Cumulative wait time (sec) 175396

Other things I have noticed on this screen are loads of “ASYNC_NETWORK_IO” in the processes section that have a task state of suspended, no idea if this is normal or not, the support companies thoughts on these are it not related so we don’t need to look at it.

The support company have confirmed (at least that what they have said) it’s not a networking issue, when the service tier was on the sql server we pulled the network cable, create a local connection to the database, so no networks connected to the server and only one user connected to the database and the issue was still there.

Our current setup is:
NAV 2013 build 7.0.48066.0

SQL Server
Server 2008 R2 64 bit, 32GB RAM, single Xeon X5675 processor
C drive = OS, Raid 1
D drive = Log files, Raid 1
E drive = Database files, Raid 10

Service tier server
Server 2008 R2 64 bit, 28GB RAM, single Xeon E5649 processor
C drive = OS, Raid 1
D drive = random files not being accessed, Raid 1

NAV add-ons
Zetadocs capture
Zetadocs delivery

Many thanks

EPCIS solutions for NAV?

We are thinking about implementing serial number tracking on the whole chain from our manufacturers to the customers to aftersales. But this is not something you do inside Navision, primarily because it is not about we ourselves scanning bar codes, but about our various partners uploading these data to our servers: manufacturer, external warehouse, service center. We ourselves have no such operations so the partners can scan bar codes or RFID tags however they want to and what we would need to there is interfacing from their systems.

For exampel in the SAP world they are not using the SAP ERP as such for this, but a product called SAP Object Event Repository. An object is a package with a serial number, an event is that it went in this warehouse or went out or came back for repair. I reserached it further and found that there is a GS1 standard for exchanging this information and it is called EPCIS:

"In computer science, Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) is a global GS1 Standard for creating and sharing visibility event data, both within and across enterprises, to enable users to gain a shared view of physical or digital objects within a relevant business context.[1] "Objects" in the context of EPCIS typically refers to physical objects that are handled in physical steps of an overall business process involving one or more organizations. Examples of such physical objects include trade items (products), logistic units, returnable assets, fixed assets, physical documents, etc. “Objects” may also refer to digital objects which participate in comparable business process steps."


Is there such a thing for Navision? A good EPCIS implementation?

For the data interchange, BizTalk could be used, as it is EPCIS 1.0 certified, albeit I cannot find the Commerce Gateway in later versions of Navision.

But the repository? Storing the data?

Any partner who have heard about this?

Bank Reconciliation - Foreign Currency

Hi All,

I have been trying to carry out a bank reconciliation and when matching the entries I've come across one particular entry (payment) that was posted in foreign currency. The posting was done correctly i.e. Amount in USD is 10 while in LCY is 5.58. (Base currency of the company is EURO and currency in Bank Account card left empty)

Now the problem is that when running the Suggest Lines function , the Statement Amount in the Bank Statement Lines came up in the foreign currency i.e. 10 . This has caused a difference between the statement ending balance which is totalled in LCY i.e. EUR5.58 and the Total balance since NAV is treating the USD10 as EURO! Screenshot attached to show the amounts.

In this case, shouldn't the Statement Amount have been filled in LCY by NAV? Is there a way to fix this?



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