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EU new data protection rules


What does this mean for us? If you book a Navision invoice to a natural person you have personal data in there: name and address. According to GDPR you should delete it after a while. ???

This is the most surprising thing I have heard but there are others. Can someone who knows this stuff summarize it what we need to do for it?

Codeunit 397 Mail not working after upgrade

After an upgrade from NAV 2009 R2 to NAV 2015, the codeunit 397 does not work on all clients anymore.

Some of the clients run Office 2010 where it works perfectly. But the clients with Office 2013 no new email is being generated. The message that asks for permission to access automation still appears, but after clicking on Always allow nothing happens.

Is the behavior of this codeunit in any way different when using Office 2013? After adding the Outlook Inbox to the Rolecenter it showed an error message which I believe is related to the issue with codeunit 397:

Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Application'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{00063001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Interface not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040155).

Does anyone have any idea about this? Never seen that before ](*,)

View Layout - "Missing supported version of Visual Studio"

Hey all,

I'm working on a NAV 2013 environment and attempting to view the layout of a report object to get this error:

"An error occurred when opening the report designer. A support version of Visual Studio could not be found"

NAV 2013 R2 Version 7.10.43391

I've got Visual Studio 2017. I'm assuming I need to grab an earlier version of VS but I'd rather add specific redistributables or bits and pieces if I can avoid a whole alternate version of Visual Studio.

I looked at enabling "Use Report Builder" by setting the options to Yes under Tools -> Options -> Use Report Builder

But then I get this message:

"It is not possible to edit the layout with the report designer. Detailed description: Illegal characters in path."

Insight appreciated as always thanks!

duplicate dynamicsuser post: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/f/developers/94324/view-layout---missing-supported-version-of-visual-studio

"The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server session for tenant 'default' has failed" NAV 2017


I was looking over the event log, and I noticed that I can't seem to get rid of this message and it repeates it self each 30 seconds.

Does anyone have an idea how to stop this message appearing in NAV 2017 ?

Server instance: DynamicsNAV100INSNAS
Tenant: <ii>default</ii>
<ii>The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server session for tenant 'default' has failed and will be restarted in 30 seconds. Reason: Type: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.Exceptions.NavNCLNotSupportedTypeException
SuppressMessage: False
SuppressExceptionCreatedEvent: False
FatalityScope: None
Message: <ii>The type Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.DataError is unknown.</ii>
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavNclTypeHelper.GetNclTypeFromType(Type type, Boolean forDotNet)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavApplicationMethod.ConvertClrTypesToMethodParameterTypes(Object parent, Object[] args, Boolean[] argsFromJson, Int32 argsCount, ParameterInfo[] parameters)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavApplicationMethod.FindMethod(Object obj, String methodName, Object[] args, ParameterInfo[]& parameters)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavApplicationMethod.InvokeMethod(ITreeObject obj, String methodName, Object[] args)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavCodeunit.InvokeRun(Int32 objectId, Object[] args)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.SessionTransactionManager.TransactionScope(Action code)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavApplicationServer.<RunOnceAsync>d__10.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavApplicationServer.<StartAsync>d__7.MoveNext()
Source: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Ncl
HResult: -2146233088

Report RDLC : Line in the end of page

I work on a rdlc report (dynamics nav 2017) .
when i print the invoice there no line in the end of pages -1;
The line is printed only in the last of group (last page)

Someone can help me plz ?
Thank you !

Hide or Disable Edit/New/Delete buttons on Card Page


NAV 2017. I have a bespoke Card Page with the standard View/Edit/New/Delete Action buttons. If a user does not have permission to Delete from the underlying table, should the Delete button be enabled or visible? Currently, the button is enabled and visible and, when clicked, the user gets a permissions error message. I was under the impression that the button states would reflect the user permissions.


Balance mismatching between inventory valuation report and inventory total account

Hi to all,

I am using nav 2016 and i find some entries in inventory interim account. all that entries are related to transfer order data.

In inventory posting setup in IN-TRANSIT location inventory account code is mentioned as inventory interim account number.

QCLOCATION is IN-Transit location.

10103 is inventory trading account
10104 is inventory interim account


In General Posting Setup in which line where Gen. Bus. posting group is not mentioned there also not mentioned GL Account in Inventory adjustment account, Cogs Account, Overhead Applied Account, Direct cost applied account.

Now my point is this is the reason of data setting in interim account because that all entries which is sitting in interim account are matching with Inventory adjustment account's and Direct cost applied account's entries.

And how to solve this? because of this i am facing difference in inventory total account.

I will wait for your suggestions.


Navision 2015 Fieldcaptions in wrong Language

We made a Server-Change at a Customer.
We didnt make any changes in the DB.
After the Change we set all Language and Region Settings to Austria.
Now Everything in the RTC is in Austrian Language except FIELDCAPTIONS.
For Example on the Sales Order Report individual Captions are German(Austria) but SalesHeader.FIELDCAPTION("No.") is still English.

Anyone else experienced this before or know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance

Export To Excel

Date format in Report 1322

I am trying to create a custom PO report layout using the Word format - and wanting to add the "Requested Receipt Date".
I have added the field to the report design - however; when I add it to the Custom Report Layout it is displaying as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS.
Does anyone know how I can change this to DD/MM/YY and not display the time?

How to set a NAV filter for filtering out objects using the Version List column on the Object Design

I would like to exclude a subset of objects using a NAV filter on the 'Version List' column.
I was trying to use something like: '<> *ABCD*, to exclude all objects with 'ABCD' in their version list.
But that doesn't work.
Is there any other option?

Multi-Level Approval in NAV 2015

Hi All, in NAV 2015, is it possible to do multi-level approval as below (by either application setup or technical modification):

User create PO or SO -> Level 1 Approvers, then -> Level 2 Approvers, then -> Level 3 Approvers -> release of PO or SO

Each level allow more than 1 approvers , but anyone approver's approve of this level can make the PO / SO to next level or next step.

Anyone approver's reject of any level can make the PO / SO rejected.

This level approver(s) only see the SO / PO after previous level of approver(s) (if any) have approved the doc.

Finally all SO / PO must be approved by three level of approvers before release.

Any idea? Both application setup and/or technical mod. solutions are welcome, many thank in advance

(Just a remind: NAV 2015 without workflow as NAV 2016 or later, so suggestion of using workflow may not work)

Frankie Cheung

how can I replicate the multiple level of Approvals using NAV 2016 Workflow Functionality witho

Our client has a very secure system, where each and every order either Sales, Purchase or Production, goes from a multiple lever of Approvals before they are released for final stage. This client is live using Dynamics Nav 2015 and now moving to 2016 version of Dynamics NAV. The functionality for Approvals mechanism is now changed and termed as Workflow in Dynamics NAV 2016. Is there any suggestions how can I replicate the same multiple level of Approvals using NAV 2016 Workflow Functionality without changing approval Setup?

PDFJS inside NAV Page


Was wondering if anyone else has tried and succeeded in making a javascript addon for Dynamics NAV 2013+ that can embed a PDF file into a NAV page.
I have done a dotnet DLL (Browser) based solution in the past before - but too many issues with this, and no support on all clients anymore.

I think I am close, but probably far far away :smile:

I am looking a lot at how this one was done - a signature image box in NAV. https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/Extensibility-for-the-7600738d

I'm just trying to use the simple example from here to begin with

If I get it to work, I will post it here ! Shame it's not part of the standard NAV addins :)

Sorry, I am not javascript wizz'

Update 1: Below is what I managed to do - it works quite basic, with some issues, but at least more stable than a Adobe browser addin solution.
Beyond my skills to enable text-selection and zoom capabilities, but next/prev. page works. I transfer a base64 bigtext to the Javascript function PutPDF.

var PDF;
var pdfdata;
function initpdf() {
    PDF = new ns.PDFControl();

// Event will be fired when the control add-in is ready for communication through its API.
function RaiseAddInReady() {

// Event raised when the update PDF has been called.
function RaiseUpdatePDF() {

function PutPDF(PDFData,pageno) {

(function (ns) {

    ns.PDFControl = function () {
        var canvas,

        function init() {
            context = canvas.getContext("2d");

        function createControlElements() {
            var PDFArea = document.createElement("div");
            var canvasDiv = document.createElement("div");
            canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
            canvas.id = "pdfCanvas";
            canvas.clientWidth = 700;
            canvas.clientHeight = 1000;
			canvas.width  = canvas.clientWidth ;
		    canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
            canvas.className = "pdfCanvas";
            PDFArea.className = "PDFArea";

        function updatePDF(PDFData,pageno) {
			pdfData = atob(PDFData);
//			PDFJS.workerSrc = 'http://www.example.dk/tmp/pdf.worker.js';
			PDFJS.getDocument({data: pdfData}).then(function DisplayPDFNAV(pdf) {
				pdf.getPage(pageno).then(function DisplayPDFNAV(page) {
				  var scale = 2.0;
				  var viewport = page.getViewport(scale);
				  // Prepare canvas using PDF page dimensions.
				  canvas.height = viewport.height;
				  canvas.width = viewport.width;
				  //Render PDF page into canvas context.
				  var renderContext = {
					canvasContext: context,
					viewport: viewport

			 pdfData = "";


        return {
            init: init,
            updatePDF: updatePDF,
})(this.ns = this.ns || {});


Modify standard Role Center management in NAV 2017

Hi All.
In NAV 2016 I have customized the standard management of Role Center; In Codeunit 1 I changed function DefaultRoleCenter to get a different DefaultRoleCenterID depending of User or Company. In NAV 2016 this work fine. I porting the same code in NAV 2017 but not work! The custom code not have any effect.
Someone have any idea on what cause this?
Thank's so much.

Keep or Set Selectionfilter from code

Hi Guys

Stumpled on a need to select multiple records in a listpage, run a function, and then keep the selection afterwards.
But af running the function, that alters records, the selection is lost.

I have the selection in a record saved with SETSELECTIONFILTER, but can i pass that back to the page?

MS Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 on Windows10 Home

Hi All,

Is there anyone here who successfully installed DynamicsNAV 2013R2 Web Server in a Windows 10 Home? I tried installing it but I have encountered error. Can Install the Client but not the Web Components.

Error During select Lot No. on Sales Shipment

Hi All Expert.

i have a problem with select Lot No. on Sales shipment. the error is:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

There is no Warehouse Entry within the filter.

Filters: Location Code: TEMP_LOC, Item No.: 10TDW235P-48P-WA, Whse. Document No.: PWR-1801-0354, Whse. Document Line No.: 10000, Serial No.: '', Lot No.: MFG:23122017

Could you please suggest on this issue?

Customer Orders, shipments and invoices in one report

It should show Current Month Bookings, Current Month Shipments, Current Month Invoices against the Customer.
I created a new report by taking Customer table as source and written the code to show current month as
monthStart := CALCDATE('<-CM>',TODAY);
monthEnd:= CALCDATE('<CM>',TODAY);
SalesHeaderRec.SETRANGE("Order Date",monthStartDt,monthEnd);
SalesLineRec.SETRANGE("Shipment Date",monthStartDt,monthEnd);
SalesLineRec.SETRANGE("Posting Date",monthStartDt,monthEnd);
it was showing empty on it.
Can any one please suggest me regarding this issue.
Thanks in Advance.

Convert old classic Reports to RTC (RDLC) - Tools? NAV 2013

Hi guys,

i´m newbie to RTC environment and NAV 2013, and i want to convert a lot of reports from the classic cliente (4.0SP3) to new format on NAV 2009 R2 and 2013.
I can acomplish that? Is there any tool?

Thanks for your answers.

Best Regards.
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