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NAV 2018 - List of Events?

When MS first came out with "Events" in NAV 2016, they published a nice, categorized List of the Events currently defined in NAV.

However, even though there are a LOT more Events in NAV 2017 and even more in 2018 (and even a couple more in 2018 CU1), it doesn't seem like that list has ever been updated for NAV 2017 or NAV 2018 (or whatever it is called today... Tenerife?)

Alternatively, is there some way to get NAV to disgorge a List of Events?


Detailed Customer Ledger Entry

When the report is executed, if “Ledger Entry Amount” field of Detailed Customer Ledger Entry has a check mark, report should remove the same and save the record.
If there is no check mark, system should place a check mark and save.

Thanks in Advance.

NAV2017 T36 Sell-To Customer Name unexpected behavior

Sell-to Customer Name - OnValidate()
VALIDATE("Sell-to Customer No.",Customer.GetCustNo("Sell-to Customer Name"));

Right, so now you can never change the customer name on an order on an invoice in case you want to use a shared customer account, like "Cash & Carry" or "Staff Purchase" or "Webshop" because it is always interpreted as changing the Customer No.? Seriously, Microsoft?

Now I have to go and change the table behavior and the pages (because they are not showing the Customer No. anymore) back to NAV2016

Seriously. Did anyone think this through?

Generate Azure Service Bus SAS Token

I'm trying to generate a SAS Token from Dynamics NAV 2018 using DotNet. I have a working code in PowerShell what I've been using for testing:
$epoch = Get-Date -Date "1970-01-01 00:00:00Z"
$epoch.ToUniversalTime() | Out-Null

$utcNow = Get-Date
$utcNow.ToUniversalTime() | Out-Null

$sinceEpoch = New-TimeSpan -Start $epoch -End $utcNow
$expiry = [System.Convert]::ToString([int32]$sinceEpoch.TotalSeconds + 3600)
$stringToSign = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($resourceUri) + "`n" + $expiry
$hamcsha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$hamcsha.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($key);
$signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($hamcsha.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign)))
$token = [System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,"SharedAccessSignature sr={0}&sig={1}&se={2}&skn={3}",[System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($resourceUri),[System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($signature),$expiry,$keyName);

here is the C/AL code but I get (401) Unauthorized and the token looks a bit different
Epoch := CREATEDATETIME(DMY2DATE(1,1,1970),000000T);
SinceEpoch := ( CURRENTDATETIME - Epoch ) / 1000;
Expiry := Convert.ToString(ROUND((SinceEpoch + 3600),1,'<'));
StringToSign := HttpUtility.UrlEncode(AzureServiceBusQueue.URL) + Environment.NewLine + Expiry;
HMACSHA256 := HMACSHA256.HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(AzureServiceBusQueue.Key));
Signature := Convert.ToBase64String(HMACSHA256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(StringToSign)));
Token := Convert.ToString(STRSUBSTNO('SharedAccessSignature sr=%1&sig=%2&se=%3&skn=%4',
                                  AzureServiceBusQueue."Key Name"),

the DotNet variables are:
AzureServiceBusQueue@1000000001 : Record 54000;
HttpUtility@1000000005 : DotNet "'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.System.Web.HttpUtility";
HMACSHA256@1000000007 : DotNet "'mscorlib'.System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256";
Convert@1000000008 : DotNet "'mscorlib'.System.Convert";
Encoding@1000000009 : DotNet "'mscorlib'.System.Text.Encoding";
CultureInfo@1000000012 : DotNet "'mscorlib'.System.Globalization.CultureInfo";
Environment@1000000014 : DotNet "'mscorlib'.System.Environment";

If I try the token generated by the C/AL code in the PowerShell script I get the same result : (401) Unauthorized
Any ideas?

Invoice Amount posted to Wrong GL Account

Dear All,
I have a scenario where few invoices have been posted with wrong Customer Posting Group. Payments also have been posted for the Invoices. Can someone kindly guide me how to correct the entries so that Amounts are posted to correct AR GL Account.


Invoke-NAVCodeunit - The server has rejected the client credentials


I am in the process of creating a NAV test enviroment using PowerShell and need to run several codeunits with PowerShell.

However when I run Invoke-NAVCodeunit I get an error message saying "The server has rejected the client credentials". As far as I can see Invoke-NAVCodeunit doesn't accept any credential parameters.

The ClientServicesCredentialType on the server instance is set to NavUserPassword. If I delete all users in the database then I am able to run Invoke-NAVCodeunit without any errors however I cannot delete the users as the codeunits I am running requires users to be present.

Any ideas how to solve this?


Idle Client Timeout Functionality is not working for a setting above 2 minutes

I am working on Dynamics NAV 2016 CU 4 and am trying to set the auto log-off functionality to make sure the users get logged off after 4 minutes.

I set the Idle Client Timeout to 00:04:00 and Reconnect Period to 00:04:00 and set key="ClientServicesKeepAliveInterval" value="241". However, my idle session is not ending even after 10 minutes. It works perfectly for 2 minutes but, anything above that it is not working.

Please help.


Purchase Item (Incl. Item Tracking for Subcomponents)

Hi there,

i am purchasing an item that consists of serveral subcomponents (a BOM). Those subcomponents can have serial or lot numbers.
When I receive the item, I want to be able to enter serial and lot numbers for the subcomponents so that I can afterwards see which subcomponents were used in my purchased item.

Is it somehow possible?
Do I need to create a production order for this although we are not producing anything?

Best Regards

Error During select Lot No. on Sales Shipment

Hi All Expert.

i have a problem with select Lot No. on Sales shipment. the error is:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

There is no Warehouse Entry within the filter.

Filters: Location Code: TEMP_LOC, Item No.: 10TDW235P-48P-WA, Whse. Document No.: PWR-1801-0354, Whse. Document Line No.: 10000, Serial No.: '', Lot No.: MFG:23122017

Could you please suggest on this issue?

Dimension Priority

Hi all,

I have a situation regarding how the dimension priority should work. We are using Dynamics NAV 2017, W1 version. The scenario is as follows:

Client has a global dimension for department, this department is extremely important to them, as it determines how reporting to the board is done. They are a print manufacturer which is very complicated. We have the expected cost turned on, as we need that to reflect in the GL at time of receipt or shipment of items, as well as consumption of raw materials.

The issue is this, the GRN Suspense account (2222010), which is the set as the Inventory accrual account (Interim) needs to have dimension department set to 140. The opposite side of that entry, to GL account Inventory Account (Interim) - (1711000) should post to dimension department 110.

I have these on the two GL accounts as the default dimension. In the dimension priority, I have set the GL table to be priority 1 for all source codes, and then the Item table as priority 2. The item I am purchasing does not have a default dimension set, not is it set to use any dimension.

When I create a PO for a Vendor and the item, the Vendor has no default dimensions. The PO is created with no dimensions at all, and when I try receive the PO line, I get an error that I need to enter the department dimension as 140 for GL account 2222010. This is set as the default dimension on the GL account. I then enter a dimension for the PO line, and set it to 140, and receive. The GL entries then post both sides to department 140, and not to the dimension set on the various GL accounts, and the GL is priority 1.

Sample of what should happen:
PO 100
Vendor ABC - No dimensions set. - Trade Payables GL account has department dimension set as 110 by default.
Item 101 - no dimension - The interim and Inventory accounts in the GL have the department dimension set by default. Accrual account (interim) - Department 140
Inventory account (Interim) - Department 110

No dimensions on the PO header or line.

When receipt, receive dimension error that department should be 140 for Accrual account, which it is in the actual account.

This has me stumped as to whether I will be able to accomplish the clients requirements.

Is there anyway for me to get around this? I basically need my PO receipt to post to separate department dimensions for both sides of the interim posting, and then when invoiced to same.

I don't see the dimension priority doing anything for me in this regard, as no matter what I change and setup, I get the same error at time of receipt.

Any insight or assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.



Intercompany Orders

Can an Intercompany Purchase Order be changed/updated, sent to the IC Partner, and the Sales Order associated to the Purchase Order be updated? Or would the Sales Order have to be manually updated?

Job Queue heartbeats not updating


In NAV 2013, i have setup the job queue "Start Automatically From NAS" and couple of job queue entries defined under this to run on diff-diff time on same day.

I am facing an issue, sometimes the job queue heartbeats are not updating and it shows previous days update even the Started check mark is true. anyone has encountered this before? Thanks!

Import attachment in Web Client is not working

Hi All,

[Version: NAV 2016]

In a customized page, I newly kept an feature for Importing, Exporting and Deleting an attachment. I can able to Import/Export/Delete without any issues in Windows client. When I try to import an attachment from web client, immediately the web page gets closed and am getting below error:

An error has occurred

A server error has occurred, and the content cannot be displayed. Refresh the page or open a new browser window.

Restart ->

In Customized Table: Attachment Table, I wrote below function for Import.

Local variable of ImportAttachment function:
Parameter: RecIDToImport (RecordID)
Variable: AttachRecordRef (RecordRef)

[b]ImportAttachment(RecIDToImport : RecordID)[/b]

"Line No." := "Line No." + 10000;
"Primary Key" := RecIDToImport;
Filename := FileManagement.BLOBImportWithFilter(TempBlob,Text002,'','*.*|','*.*');
IF Filename = '' THEN
Attachment := TempBlob.Blob;
"Name of the File" := FileManagement.GetFileName(Filename);
Extension := '.' + FileManagement.GetExtension(Filename);


I wrote below code in page OnAction..

Global variables:
AttachmentRecLineNo (Integer)
AttachmentRecNameofFile (Text)
AttachMgmt2 (Record) Attachment Table

AttachmentRecRef.OPEN(DATABASE::"Purch. Request Header");
AttachmentRecID := AttachmentRecRef.RECORDID;
AttachmentManagement."Document No." := "No.";

What is missing and can anybody let me know how to sort it out?

Thanks in advance,

RDLC report on Zebra printer - orientation being ignored

Client is running 2017 build 17972, printer is a Zebra GK420D.

I have a fairly vanilla item label that should be printing on a 10.5w x 7.5h cm label. I've entered the correct page size into the report settings and I have margins that should be sufficient and the report body size is slightly less than page size less margins (cangrow set to false for all fields). The problem is that even though the report should be printing in landscape, it is trying to print in portrait (prints across 2 labels, clearly in the wrong orientation). Just for kicks, I redid an alternate version of the report that is printed in portrait with the text box properties for "WritingMode" set to Vertical so that text is rotated 90 ° and the darn thing prints incorrectly in exactly the same wrong way as it is in the landscape version of the report, which makes no sense to me. Both versions of the report preview correctly in print layout mode and appear to be correct if printed to a non-Zebra printer.

I've experimented with different settings both in the printer settings and with the zebra configuration utility and there does not appear to be any combination of settings that results in the correct label being printed. This particular client would be willing to have me redo the report for portrait (non-rotated text) but I have another client with the same problem for whom that is not a feasible solution.

Does anybody have any idea what the issue might be?

Setup azure active directory - assisted setup NAV 2018

After running through the set up azure active directory in nav 2018 getting an error, unable to decrypt the data. the data was encrypted using a different key.

need to access the setup to see this key but when run the start setup via administration/app setup/general/assisted setup it doesn't run through the process and cant access it. any ideas how to access it so I can change?


NAV 2017 CU 14 : Task Scheduler Problem


I just made a migration from 2015 to 2017 and I have a problem with job queues entries.

My service is set up like this (services picture) :aotpdhrcy2ar.png

In NAV, my job queue run once and after the job status is automatically "On Hold"

My Job is a reccurent job with a next execution time (job queue picture) : d2jb66gfvv29.png

I think the problem is in the codeunit 453 , there is a function for schedule the task.

Before schedule the task, program check if a record with the job queue entry record id exist in the system table "schedule task"

And the record is always find but there is nothing in the data table.

It seems like, the program find the current job queue entry task.

BUG Microsoft ?

Someone can help me ?

Thanks a lot.

Customise Primary Key when using Extensions

[NAV 2017]


I know it is not possible to custom the primary key in the standard table and include that table in the extension.
But is there a work around?

What I am trying to do:

The context is - basically when Item is same on multiple sales or purchase lines, the GL entries roll up and show one line as total, I want to separate those lines and show descriptions from document itself. I hope this make sense.

To do that I need to customise table 49 and add description field and then add it to primary key of the table and this is where the issue of extension limitation hits.

Any ideas will be appreciated!!


Reading smartcard/e-ID in webclient

Our customer will use webclient/tablet client for people on the road.
These people have to be able to read an e-id in navision and store the data (name, adress, etc.)
For the RTC client we have a dotnet library (swelio) we can use.
However, that requires that the dotnet variable be "run on client".

As you will probably know, this is a feature limitation in the webclient, you cannot 'run on client" a dotnet in the webclient...

Does anyone have an idea how i can still make it possible in the webclient to read an e-ID/smartcard??
It is really important i can do this.

Posting sales invoice

Which function post sales invoice in code unit 80 when we create sales order and post it with ship and invoice

Increasing the size of a Control Add-In Window

How can I increase the size of the Control Add-in window?

It is a Javascript add-in that I've been working with.


there are multiple canvases in the view as well as buttons at the bottom.
it is only showing part of the window

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