Channel: NAV Three Tier — mibuso.com
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Filter gets stuck in a RTC page

I was on Item page, then I display Item Ledger Entries through Quantity on Hand field, then I select Posting Date to filter:


When I typed on filter "1/" and press tab, the page returns an error:


I have closed this page, but then when I tried to open Item Ledger entries I´m getting the message and the Item Ledger Entries page is not displayed.

Then wen I tried to perform same steps (Item and press over Quantity on Hand) I´m getting the same error message. Even if I go to MRD page or any page having Quantity on Hand, I cannot display Item Ledger Entries and returns the error message.

I´m using RTC from NAV 2009, I have tried all this advices:


But nothing works...
Please advice... thanks in advance.

Post and Print Warehouse Shipment

Hi Experts!!

NAV2017, Page 7335

being in warehouse shipment if you click on "Post and Print", it does not print the registered warehouse shipment (report 7309); print the sales shipment (report 208)

if change in report selection the report 208 by the 7309 an error occurs

How can I change it?

It is No llogical that from the warehouse shipment print the delivery note, isn'it???

thanks for advance!!!

RDLC reporting (2013R2) - Read picture/image from external SQL DB


I would like to know if it's possible to have a nav rdlc report read an image/picture from an external sql database?

Example: A report that would print the list of items (from NAV) but display the picture obtained from an external sql database?

We would call that external SQL DB with the item no. from NAV.

Thank you.

Error During select Lot No. on Sales Shipment

Hi All Expert.

i have a problem with select Lot No. on Sales shipment. the error is:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

There is no Warehouse Entry within the filter.

Filters: Location Code: TEMP_LOC, Item No.: 10TDW235P-48P-WA, Whse. Document No.: PWR-1801-0354, Whse. Document Line No.: 10000, Serial No.: '', Lot No.: MFG:23122017

Could you please suggest on this issue?

Change Pagefield StyleExpr through EventSubscriber

Hey there,
i would like to change the StyleExpr Value of a Field on a Page dynamically. One Way to do it would be to change the Style (for example to Strong) and use a Variable(Type Boolean) for the StyleExpr Property. Then Change the Value on the AfterGetRecord Trigger.
Now on 2017 i could create OnAfterGetRecordEvent Subscriber with the Page as Subscriber Object. Is there a way to access a Variable defined on a page, via Event Subscriber or another way to change the Style from outside?
i would like to reduce the code on the Default Objects as much as possible.

thank you and greetings.

Page 2115 Report Viewer: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.WebPageViewer


I want to display a PDF in a control addin next to a card and I don't want to use third party DLL's (I know https://mibuso.com/downloads/rtc-control-addin-browser exists but I want to stick with standard Navision).

So I found the above page which opens an html page. This is done with the following code:

Changing the code to a hardcoded html path works. But changing it to a pdf file does not work.
I noticed that there is also a function "Navigate" which can be used instead of SetContent. If you fill in any https link it will navigate to that page (pdf, html..).
However I want it to open a pdf file on my c drive. But if I do this I get the following error: "Insecure URL Specified. Please contact your system administrator."


Seems linke only https links are allowed, which is silly if I just want to open a local pdf file..

Any thoughts on this?

How to Merge Excel Cells in NAV 2016 with DotNet variables.

I want to merge Excel cells with Dotnet variables from the Excel Buffer table but I can not find clear information about that.

I could change Font color and size and define cell borders too, but I have not been able to merge cells.

Has anyone seen something about that?


Can you help with 64 bit encoding please


I am working on some integration with the irish revenue service which makes use of digital certificates. I have to create a certificate by opening a p12 file. In order to open the P12 file, the following steps are followed to create a password. It is step 3 that is causing the problem: -

To calculate the hashed password, follow these steps:
1. First get the bytes of the original password, assuming a "Latin-1" encoding. For the password "Baltimore1," these bytes are: 66 97 108 116 105 109 111 114 101 49 44 (i.e. the value of "B" is 66, "a" is 97, etc).

2. Then get the MD5 hash of these bytes. MD5 is a standard, public algorithm. Once again, for the password "Baltimore1," these bytes work out as: 223 238 161 24 62 121 39 143 115 167 51 163 245 231 226 94

>>>> This is all good :), I get the Bytes in 2 above, the MD5 hashing works out fine, the next part causes me problems <<<<<<

3. Finally, create the new password by Base64-encoding the bytes from the previous step. For example, the password, "Baltimore1," this is “3+6hGD55J49zpzOj9efiXg==”.
I am getting 4YytGD55J8Rz9TOc5IeDXg== instead

The code follows, it has not been fully cleaned up yet - apologies.

Many thanks & kind regards
LOCAL GetCertificatePassword(PassWordIn : Text[30]) HashedPassWordOut : Text[30]



MD5 := MD5.Create;
MyText:= BitCon.ToString(MD5.ComputeHash(IStream));


//I get the answer back in My Text correct values as per step 2 above but in hexadecimal form &quot;AA-FE-23&quot; etc.
//Loop below converts back to dec from hex.
ICounter := 0;
WHILE MyText &lt;&gt; '' DO BEGIN
  IPosition := STRPOS(MyText,'-');
  ICounter += 1;

  IF IPosition = 0 THEN BEGIN
    MyText2[ICounter] := HexToInt(MyText);
    MyText := '';
    MyText2[ICounter] := HexToInt(COPYSTR(MyText,1,IPosition-1));
    MyText := COPYSTR(MyText,IPosition+1);



HashedPassWordOut := ToBase64String(IStream);


//Function to convert base 16 to 10
LOCAL HexToInt(HexText : Text[50]) Result : Integer
HexDigits := '0123456789ABCDEF';

Result := 0;

WHILE HexText &lt;&gt; '' DO BEGIN
  Result := Result * 16;
  intVal := STRPOS(HexDigits,COPYSTR(HexText,1,1)) - 1;
  Result := Result + intVal;
  HexText := COPYSTR(HexText,2);

//Function to perform 64 bit encoding, this is just the function from TempBlob
ToBase64String(IStream : InStream) : Text
MemoryStream := MemoryStream.MemoryStream;
Base64String := Convert.ToBase64String(MemoryStream.ToArray);

How can show 1 line in list type page of multiple line in Table ?

I have created a new Table (Employee1) in which Fields are present (Sr No., Emp No,Emp Name,Amount).
I have also created a list type page through this table and I have entered 7 Entries in the Table and want to show only 1 line in list type page with the total of amount, how can be possible?
for your reference I have attached below screenshot...wfdaxns5byp3.png

Root CA and Private Key

Hi All,

Is it necessary to install Visual Studio in the server just to create Root CA and Private Key? If it has other options without installing it, am all ears. This is new for me hope you could help me.

Thanks in advance

NAV 2017 CU 14 : Task Scheduler Problem


I just made a migration from 2015 to 2017 and I have a problem with job queues entries.

My service is set up like this (services picture) :aotpdhrcy2ar.png

In NAV, my job queue run once and after the job status is automatically "On Hold"

My Job is a reccurent job with a next execution time (job queue picture) : d2jb66gfvv29.png

I think the problem is in the codeunit 453 , there is a function for schedule the task.

Before schedule the task, program check if a record with the job queue entry record id exist in the system table "schedule task"

And the record is always find but there is nothing in the data table.

It seems like, the program find the current job queue entry task.

BUG Microsoft ?

Someone can help me ?

Thanks a lot.

Period Sign in Option Caption

Hi experts

Small question:
I have an option caption for a table field, looking like that.

The problem is, I need a comma (,) within the caption. Of course, on the first hand this does not work, comma is the seperator sign. Any tricks to kinda mask the comma sign?

Thanks in advance

NAV 2018: Characteristics of a scalable extension

Hey guys,

My name is Laura Nicolàs and I am writing a book about extensions development.

In the book I do cover the basics on Visual Studio Code and the AL language, but I am also including a chapter on how to develop a scalable extension.

Imagine you have to develop an extension that is going to be used in 10,000 different Dynamics NAV customers. What characteristics would that extension have?

I am listing some. Please, comment on any of them, or add new ones if there are missing ones:
  1. The extension has to cover only one functionality.
    It cannot be a catch-all app covering unrelated areas.

  2. The extension has to work with any standard configuration.
    For example, if the app uses items, it has to consider item variants, because companies might be using it.

  3. It has to be easy to install.
    If external sources are required (such a dll, a font, an external webservice, or a folder structure in the server), the app itself has to be able to provide it / install it / create it.

  4. It has to be easy to setup.
    If journal sections, or series numbers, or any other setup is needed, the app should check it (notifications), help de user create it (Assisted setup), create a default setup, or a combination of the above.

  5. A regular user should be able to configure it.
    SUPER permissions should not be a requirement.

  6. It has to be easy to use and intuitive.
    Use ToolTips to explain everything, and create an app that uses the same terminology and the same flow of data as the standard.

  7. There must be accessible training material.
    You cannot count on consultants to train users… or you will not have enough consultants to reach 10,000 installations!

  8. Do only have one supported version of your extension, and keep on improving it.
    New versions should be easy to install, and should not broke any previous configuration.

  9. Make it easy to translate your extensions to other languages.

  10. Allow your extensions to be extended.
    Every time relevant, throw events so that others can subscribe to it and extend your app.

What else would you add?

Thanks a lot.
Laura Nicolàs

Btw. I am looking for reviewers of the book. Want to help? Leave your email.

Raw material and Finish Product from Diff Vendor - Unit cost

Hi ,

We are using NAV 2016 and our costing method is weighted average cost.

I would like to have a solution for below scenario.

Item-A - Raw material - from Overseas Vednor

Item - B - Finished Product -Local Vendor

Item - C - Finished Product - Local Vendor

Importing raw material ( Item- A ) from an Overseas vendor and we pass that Item to the local supplier to make the final products (Item -B & Item -c).

Item-A received through purchase order and posted with proper actual landed cost.

We are receiving local supplier invoice to produce the item-B & Item-C from Raw material Item-A.

Currently, we are practicing Negative adjust to raw material item code and positive adjustment to finish products code with unit cost ( Raw material cost + Value added cost ).

what is the correct way to post the Finish products & Raw material consumption for above scenario with proper unit cost.


Different NAV Versions (NAV2017 & NAV2018) in 1 NAV server

I have 2 versions of NAV running on 1 server.
But when i try to manage the NAV2018 serverinstance I get the following error message:

Can anybody help me?


Why do some job queues lose their heartbeat?

We have a client with several companies, and several job queues in each, for a total of some 250 Job Queues.

We sometimes find that some Job Queues have stopped updating their heartbeat, although other Job Queues in the same company are working fine.

The system is Nav 2016 W1 build 46621.
The Job Queues are set to start automatically from NAS.
The problem occurred even when CPU and RAM usage was moderate.

Have you ever encountered similar behavior?

What steps (that don’t involve service restarts) could prevent this?

Thanks for your help.

NAV 2013 R2 compatibility

I am wondering where can I find information about compatibility on NAV 2013 R2 with Windows Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017?
The system requirements for NAV 2013 R2 on MSDN mentions only those version of OS and SQL which existed at the moment of NAV 2013 R2 release:

How to fill Dummy data in empty space in RDLC report?

Say I have a RDLC report with One Data Item (Customer) which can display multiples lines, with multiple tablix data in a page, which has some condition check due to which some line in Layout are not displayed at run time.

suppose after table record is displaying .There are empty space in a page. Instead of that empty space i just need to fill some data (Say... "Approved") but only in the remaining empty Spaces. How it is possible to count the empty Spaces in the page and fill it in RDLC report?

Phone Client / Universal app can't connect: "Server connection timeout occurred"

Hi everyone,

I have set up a NAV 2016 instance, with Windows authentication, along with the web client. I have installed the selfsigned certificate and can access it via browsers - I get an error on the certificate, but am able to install it and move on.

When I try to open it with the universal app - I have tried Windows Phone, Android Tablet and Android Phone - I always get the error "Server connection timeout occurred" .

I have created a series of different certificates and installed them in the phones all the times: using computer names, internal IPs, external IP,...

Really don't know what the issue may be. I am trying to access via an external IP, but I do get the same error when trying to connect via the domain.

Do you know what this may be?


Invoke-NAVCodeunit - The server has rejected the client credentials


I am in the process of creating a NAV test enviroment using PowerShell and need to run several codeunits with PowerShell.

However when I run Invoke-NAVCodeunit I get an error message saying "The server has rejected the client credentials". As far as I can see Invoke-NAVCodeunit doesn't accept any credential parameters.

The ClientServicesCredentialType on the server instance is set to NavUserPassword. If I delete all users in the database then I am able to run Invoke-NAVCodeunit without any errors however I cannot delete the users as the codeunits I am running requires users to be present.

Any ideas how to solve this?

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